The Monitoring Committee of the Argentinian Network (RACE) met in Rosario
The Monitoring Committee met on 16 April to prepare the 4th Meeting of Argentinian Educating Cities, which will take place on 30-31 May in Godoy Cruz, with the theme "Sustainable Cities and Communities".
Representatives from Godoy Cruz (coordinator of the network), Río Cuarto (deputy coordinator), San Justo and Rosario (members of the Monitoring Committee) participated in the event.
The Monitoring Committe disscussed issues related to the programme of the 4th Congress, the participating cities, the selection of experiences and speakers and other logistical, budgetary and organizational issues.
The Congress programme includes the presentation of experiences by cities of the network (related to the axes: Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Communities and Education, Environment and Technology), presentation of projects by other IAEC cities, a table of Mayors and the RACE General Assembly (where the new coordinating city for the period 2019-2021 will be elected).
The Monitoring Committee also discussed how to jointly prepare the 2019-2021 Action Plan.
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