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17th International Congress of Educating Cities

We look forward to seeing you 21-24 May 2024 in Curitiba!

29-09-2023    Congress

The preparations for the XVII International Congress of Educating Cities are progressing well. It will be a great opportunity to share ideas and best practices under the theme “Sustainability, Innovation, and Inclusion in the Educating City: Transforming the Present.”

Congress thematic axes:

  1. Social sustainability: inclusion and cultural pluralism;
  2. Environmental and economic sustainability: innovation and transformation of territories;
  3. Education for sustainability;

Participation modalities:

  • Workshop: presentations of experiences grouped around a common theme, with a duration of approximately 10 minutes;
  • Direct dialogues or speaker corners: presentations in smaller groups of approximately 5 minutes, located in different corners of the event center;
  • Poster presentations using smart screens.

Deadline to submit experiences: until September 30th, 2023.

The event Scientific Committee will assess and select the experiences.

The selected experiences and their respective modality will be announced between 15-30 November 2023.

Check all the information on the OFFICIAL CONGRESS WEBSITE


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