17th International Congress of Educating Cities
Here you can check the timetables of the transport service, download official pictures and watch the plenary sessions live!
136 cities from 12 countries join us in Curitiba (Brazil) from May 21st to 24th, under the motto “Sustainability, innovation, and inclusion in the educating city: transforming the present”!
The event brings together representatives from around the world to discuss public policies, socio-environmental issues, social innovation, reduction of inequalities, cultural preservation and transmission, the feeling of belonging to the territory, revitalization of public spaces, among other important topics for life in cities.
Official pictures are published here: https://www.curitiba.pr.gov.br/
For those who could not travel to Curitiba, the plenary sessions can be followed remotely here:
Check the detailed timetable of the transport service for Congress participants here.
Lectures by Prof. Enrique Leff Zimmerman, considered one of the key environmental thinkers in Latin America, Daniela Mastrángelo, Léa Tiriba and Pamela Poo. Discover all the speakers HERE.
We will learn about how educating educating work in favour of sustainability and solve present challenges.
Check out the Congress website for all updated information!
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