Declaration of the International Day of the Educating City


On occasion of the International Day of the Educating City, we propose a public address with the following Declaration:

Today, on the International Day of the Educating City, I’m addressing all of you as a member city of the International Association of Educating Cities. The Association groups together about 500 local governments from 28 countries, all committed to education as a driving force behind social transformation.

Under the theme of «The Educating City as a Laboratory for Learning, Citizenship, and Social Transformation», today we’re highlighting the key role of our municipality as a living classroom of learning and a laboratory of experimentation. All corners of our neighbourhoods intertwine culture, history and knowledge, experiences and human relationships, creating a fabric rich in learning opportunities.

As stated in the preamble of the Charter of Educating Cities, to which we are passionately committed: «In the Educating City, education transcends the school walls to permeate the entire city. This leads to a citizen-focused education, where all administrations assume their responsibility to educate and transform the city into a space of respect for life and diversity».

[COUNCIL NAME] is committed to being a true urban learning laboratory. Therefore, we want every urban intervention, every facility, every municipal programme and service to become educational tools that teach us about our history, our culture, our values and the importance of taking care of life and taking care of our planet.

What’s more, in an ever-changing environment like today’s, we’re committed to fostering a reflective citizenship driven by the desire to learn more and continue learning; a citizenship that examines its surroundings, asks questions, and looks for answers. And in a climate where everyone feels respected and has the chance to participate so that they can — beyond their individual interests — help build and maintain the common good.

The 2024 International Day of the Educating City is an occasion to celebrate our progress together, as well as an opportunity to reflect on the challenges we’re still facing. Our streets, squares, parks and educational, cultural and sports facilities are not just physical spaces, but meeting places where human relationships are nurtured. Community life is enriched when people of different cultures and generations meet each other and live together harmoniously. That’s why we need to promote it. In this melting pot, we have the chance to get to know each other, learn from each other, respect each other, grow, and build an inclusive, supportive and responsible city that leaves no one behind.

By uniting our voices in this global celebration, Educating Cities is vindicating the crucial role that local governments play in educating citizens capable of generating the changes that humanity needs. Because when we are educated, not only are we educated as people, but we also build more resilient communities, turning new situations into opportunities to learn and improve.

[COUNCIL NAME] wants to speak loud and clear about education and, therefore, is joining in with this celebration, underlining its commitment as an Educating City. We’re committed to creating further synergies between municipal departments and educational agents in our city so that [CITY NAME] is a true laboratory of learning, citizenship, and social transformation.


Happy International Day of the Educating City!

  • IAEC
  • International Association of Educating Cities
  • Avinyó 15, 4ª planta, 08002 Barcelona.
  • Phone: +34 933 427 720
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