13th IAEC International Congress
The Organizing Committee advance in the preparation of the 13th International Congress of Educating Cities which will take place in the Convention Centre of Barcelona (Spain) next November 13-15th 2014, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the Association.
The Congress theme “An Educating City is an inclusive city” will be structured through the following axes:
• Inclusion as a right. The city as a promoter of welfare and life opportunities.
• Citizen participation and commitment. The city as a space for coexistence, dialogue and relationships.
• The city as a space for innovation and creative thinking.
Through conferences, presentation of good practices, mayor and academy roundtables and study visits, attention will be given to the role of education -understood in a broad sense- as an essential instrument for personal and collective development, and the improvement of co-existence and solidarity.
Within the Congress Portal you will find preliminary information of the Congress. Main Congress News will be published in the portal in the forthcoming months.
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