25th Anniversary of the Charter of Educating Cities
The Charter of Educating Cities was adopted November 30th 1990 at the closing ceremony of the First International Congress of Educating Cities, held in Barcelona.
The aim of this manifesto was to reach agreement on the Educating Cities’ concept and to suggest guidelines for action.
The Charter celebrates now its 25th Anniversary. During this period of time, the Charter has stimulated a process of wide and democratic debate; it has given rise to proposals and mobilization at local level and has as well generated an international dialogue, on the concept and very especially on the necessary strategies for its adoption and promotion.
The Charter invites cities to place education at the core of their policies and to articulate the efforts of all public, social and private educative agents present in the territory to integrate all the formal, non-formal and informal learning opportunities that the city offers, through dialog and collaboration.
Time gives us the possibility to change, and along these past 25 years, the world has changed, and so have our cities and we done.
The world has grown increasingly urban and cities due to their legitimacy, representativity, flexibility and resilience have consolidated as the closest and most efficient administrative level to solve citizens’ problems. In parallel, many local authorities’ networks have emerged as instances where cities share information and knowledge. In this context, the Educating Cities set up the IAEC, a forum to develop complementarity relationships with other cities, to share experiences and criteria and to analyze common issues and problems. It also provides them an international tribune to support the work developed at local level.
Today no-one can expect that the initial knowledge treasured as a child or youth can serve us throughout life because the rapid evolution of the present world demands permanent knowledge updating. This motivates the Educating Cities to continue working to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Congratulations to all of you for the achievements made and all the best for the future!
Marina Canals
IAEC General Secretary
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