Last day of submission of experiences to the 14th IAEC Congress
The period of submission of experiences to the 14th IAEC Congress ends today.
Those cities interested in submitting experiences can do it by visiting the Congress online Submission of experiences tool that you will find here.
Guideliness of Submission of experiences:
Furthermore, we remind you that you can already register for the 14th IAEC congress. Here below you could consult the Fees of the congress.
Early registration: Since October 2015 to February 19 2016
- IAEC Members: US$ 250
- Non-members: US$ 330
Standard registration: Since February 20 to May 20 2016
- IAEC Members: US$ 350
- Non-members: US$ 400
For further information please visit the 14th IAEC Congress portal (http://congresoaice2016.gob.ar/site/?lang=en) or get in contact with the Congress Secretariat (congresoaice2016@rosario.gov.ar).
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