“Vamos adaptar as escolas às alterações climáticas através do verde, cinzento e azul” visa transformar as escolas em espaços salubres, incorporando vegetação, sombra e fontes de água. [...]
Projecto para promover a inclusão social e autonomia de pessoas com dificuldades de orientação cognitiva, reforçando a sua segurança quando se movem pela cidade. [...]
O projeto COLAB é uma intervenção de base territorial que visa promover a participação dos cidadãos e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas, tendo em conta o potencial educativo das atividades culturais. [...]
O programa Superbloco Barcelona é articulado como um projecto abrangente que visa promover uma utilização equitativa, saudável, segura e sustentável do espaço urbano. [...]
A comprehensive intervention to improve the quality of life, social harmony and the safety of the citizens residing in neighbourhoods whose residential environment has deteriorated and where the social exclusion risk indicators are high. [...]
Program aiming at improving the harmonious living in the city through citizenship education, positive recognition of behaviors that contribute to the common good and public communication [...]
A iniciativa consiste em encerrar temporariamente ao trânsito a rua (ou parte dela) que dá acesso à escola, nos horários de entrada e saída dos alunos (cerca de 30 minutos), de forma a melhorar a qualidade do ar e a segurança rodoviária. [...]
O primeiro parque inclusivo da cidade de Montevidéu e do Uruguai, com acessibilidade universal, voltado à recreação de meninas e meninos, jovens e adultos, que através de propostas recreativas e educativas promovem aspectos de socialização, inclusão e aprendizagem. [...]
Trata-se de incentivar os cidadãos a participar ativamente na “adoção” de monumentos esquecidos, cultural e historicamente significativos, a fim de cuidar deles, torná-los visíveis e, em alguns casos, dar-lhes um novo uso, reconhecendo o seu valor. [...]
In order to fight the feeling of insecurity, Rosario carries out an initiative free of charge that consists in inviting the citizenry to meet, enjoy and share the public parks in the summer months (January to April), one Thursday per month, from 8pm on. [...]
On 11 November, Río Cuarto celebrates the anniversary of its founding. For one month the citizenry is invited to present proposals for collaboration or make contributions in the form of gifts in order to embellish the city and improve its quality of life. [...]
In addition to being a focal point for the area in issues related to the care and maintenance of parks and squares, currently the square custodian have also acquired the role of educating agent and transmission belt of local policies. [...]
This is a program characterized by its two-pronged objective: to give the citizens the leading role in the design and development of actions to improve the quality of life of their neighborhood and generate a feeling of belonging to the same. [...]
The School Path is a mobility education project directed at students from schools in the Couto neighbourhood. The objective of this program is to get students to walk to school, avoiding, as much as possible, the use of a car. [...]
A project that invites secondary school students of the subject of Geography to identify the problems in the area of land-use planning, encouraging them to develop possible solutions to improve the construction of local policies. [...]
About twenty large-scale facilities, distributed all over the city, in order to foster places where people meet and have access to recreational and cultural activities, have been designed with the citizen participation. They are free and accessible to the entire population. [...]
Madrid will host from 19 to 21 April 2016 the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Better Living Together and Peace; an event aiming at outlining the tasks that local governments and citizenship must assume when working for the construction of a coexistence and peace. [...]
An easy-to-read map that was born in the Spanish city of Pontevedra in order to encourage pedestrian mobility. With a design inspired by metro-maps, it gives information to people about distances and time between different points of the city. [...]
Students, teachers and families participated in the improvement of the environment and access to three educative centres located on the outskirts of the city, in order to increase traffic safety, cleanliness and landscape quality. [...]
An old railway line has been integrated in the city as a pedestrian way and bike lane. Furthermore, the areas of the city that had remained disconnected because of this lane, are now connected thanks to this new use of the railway. [...]
Renovation and restoration of the historical centre in order to make the city an urban and environmental benchmark space, attractive from the social, economic and cultural point of view [...]
Through this project the City Council wants to involve people in the design, planning, construction or remodelling and activation of the public spaces, fostering the empowerment of the community based on a project of community participation. [...]
The Vila Viva mission is the integral rehabilitation of the slums, not only from the urban planning dimension but also the social and community one, and of the regularization of the dwellings, by means of the participation of the inhabitants. [...]
The Neighbourhood Agreements represent a commitment of the City Council of Geneva, local inhabitants, workers and retailers to improving the quality of life of their neighbourhoods by identifying needs and proposing specific projects. [...]
Every Sunday during 6 hours, the City Council of Guadalajara turns the city's main arteries closed to traffic in favour of the citizens’ leisure, where they can walk, ride bicycles, skate, practice sport, and stroll with their families, etc. [...]
Citizens who live in apartment blocks, which do not have private green areas, transform the public space at the street level of their buildings into a community garden, which would in turn foster more direct contact amongst neighbours and socialization. [...]
The main goal of this project is the restoration of degraded public spaces, with the support and participation of different public and private entities and the citizenry in general. [...]
A citizen participation global project centred on the construction of a quality urban space that could foster social cohesion, coexistence and the promotion of cultural and social activities. A friendly space conceived for the citizenry. [...]
After being confirmed that conflicts had arisen amongst the different age groups that shared a public park, the City Council and another municipal entity decided to intervene in this space by putting forward an educative project that sought to foster cross-generational dialogue. [...]
Through this service it is intended to solve citizens’ problems, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, such as: disputes between neighbours, vandalising of public spaces, badly parked cars, disturbances caused by noise, etc. [...]