Congresso de Cidades Educadoras do México

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 As cidades de Acámbaro, Celaya, Chihuahua, Cidade do México, Colima, Lagos de Moreno, Morelia, Ocampo, Playa del Carmen, Querétaro, Salvatierra, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel Allende, Tijuana, Valle de Santiago, Yuriria, Zacapu ye Zacatecas e prefeitos de 12 outras cidades confirmaram a sua presença no Congresso, que tem lugar no Fórum Cultural Guanajuato. O Presidente […]

Reunião do Grupo temático Projeto Educativo Local (PEL)

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O grupo debruçou-se sobre vários pontos, tendo ficado assentes alguns pressupostos: O documento do PEL elaborado em 2015 é um bom ponto de partida para elaboração do PEM; É importante que as equipas internas de cada município compreendam bem os conceitos inerentes à elaboração e aplicação de um PEL; Há que sublinhar a importância da […]

Encontro Nacional da Rede Territorial Portuguesa em São João da Madeira no dia 8 de fevereiro

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Na sessão de abertura estiveram na mesa o Sr. Presidente da Câmara Municipal de S. João da Madeira, Jorge Vultos Sequeira, a Sra. Vereadora Irene Guimarães e a Sra. Vereadora Ana Martins do Município de Lagoa, em representação da Comissão de Coordenação da Rede Portuguesa. Destacam-se as palavras do Sr. Presidente da Câmara que, para […]

Reunião da Comissão de Coordenação da Rede Territorial Portuguesa de Cidades Educadoras

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Nesta reunião estiveram representantes dos Municípios de Almada; Cascais; Lagoa, Lisboa, Loulé; Odemira; Sta. Maria da Feira e Torres Vedras. Foram apreciadas as propostas de Relatório de Atividades 2018 e Plano de Atividades 2019 da Rede Portuguesa para aprovação no Encontro. Foi preparado o processo de eleição da nova Comissão para o biénio 2019/2020. De […]

Interview with Mr. Juan Espadas, Mayor of Seville

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Which features of your city would you like to highlight for us? Seville is a modern city with deep historical roots, having played a very important role through the centuries in world milestones, such as the first circumnavigation of the globe by Magallanes and Elcano, the five-hundredth anniversary of which will be commemorated here in […]

This September the environment is in the headlines again

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The iniciative Rise for Climate Change ( takes place on September the 8th, where organisations and people around the world will take the streets in thousands of ralles to show their support to action against climate change. From 12 to 14th September, San Francisco will host the Global Climate Action Summit (, with the theme: “Take Ambition […]

Gunsan, León-Guanajuato and Setúbal win the Educating Cities’ Award

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An international jury integrated by academics, representatives of the IAEC Executive Committee and United Cities and Local Governments studied the 62 candidacies from 49 member cities, from 12 countries and 3 continents. After a complex process of analysis, the members of the jury met on July 17th. The decision was not easy given the significance and the […]

Regional meeting – South Córdoba Educating Cities (Argentina)

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The objective of the event was to gain deeper knowledge on the concept of Educating City and to encourage compliance with the principles of the Charter. In addition, it sought to strengthen the institutional capacities and the governance of the cities by developing its educating potential through cross-cutting policies and by constructing collaborative projects between […]

Meeting of the Argentina Network of Educating Cities

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The following cities participate in the event: Armstrong, Bulnes, Cañada de Gómez, Chañar Ladeado, Coronel Baigorria, Coronel Moldes, Cosquín, General Alvear, Godoy Cruz, Río Cuarto, Rosario, San Francisco, San Justo and Totoras. The Mayor of Cosquín, Mr. Gabriel Musso, opens the meeting, together with the President of the City Council of Cosquín (Ms. Laura Bié), the […]