Call to the IAEC General Assembly in Lisbon
All IAEC member cities have officially been called to the Ordinary General Assembly that will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on 11 March, at 02:45 PM, first call, and 03:00 PM, second call.
The meeting will take place at the Auditorium of the Fundação Montepio, located at Rua Áurea / Rua do Ouro, 219, 1100 Lisbon.
Proposed agenda:
- Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Vote on new members and leavers.
- Report on Activities 2015.
- 2015 Financial report.
- 2016 Action Plan. (Award, Networks, Training, Communication, Extension…)
- Information on the14th International Congress, Rosario.
- Question time.
The Assembly will open with a lecture on “Heritage, Education, Culture and Citizenship” by Professor María Calado Vice-Chairman of the National Cultural Center of Portugal and member of the National Board of Education, followed by a roundtable of Local Authorities which will share with us good practices from their respective cities. Furthermore, a visit program to innovative experiences of the City of Lisbon has been prepared, for March 11 in the morning.
If your city would like to add any other issue to the proposed agenda, please notify the Secretariat by e-mail ( or fax (+34 93 3427729) before 1st March so that the final agenda can be prepared. For organizational reasons registration to the General Assembly is necessary to participate (see attached form).
Should you be unable to attend I remind you that you can vote by proxy. All participants, which are not officially appointed as delegates before the Association, must be accredited by means of Delegation A Form. Cities unable to participate at the meeting may vote by proxy by delegating their vote to another member city by filling in the Delegation B Form and informing the said city. In both cases forms must be submitted to the Secretariat by 7 March.
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