A Assembleia Geral da Associação tem lugar o 26 de março via digital. [...]
A Assembleia Geral da Associação terá lugar no próximo dia 26 de março em Tampere (Finlândia). Inscrições abertas. Estamos à vossa espera! [...]
Mais de 100 pessoas procedentes de 58 cidades participam nos 21 e 22 de março na Assembleia Geral. [...]
A cidade de León-Guanajuato acolhe o Congresso Nacional da Rede Mexicana de Cidades Educadoras (REMCE) nos dias 4 e 5 de abril, sob o lema 'A Cidade Educadora, criando espaços para a paz'. [...]
The next IAEC General Assembly will take place in Changwon (Korea) on 14-16 March 2018. [...]
Delegates from 75 cities of 12 countries participated at the IAEC General Assembly which took place in Granollers (Spain) on March 23-24. [...]
Coinciding with the General Assembly, all along the 23 and 24 March Granollers has organized a programme of visits to innovative good practices of the city and a set of conferences and dialogues with representatives of local governments and associations and scholars. [...]
Granollers will be hosting the IAEC General Assembly Meeting on 24 March 2017. [...]
On the occasion of the 14th IAEC Congress to be held in Rosario (Argentina) from 1-4 June, all member cities have been called to participate on an Ordinary General Assembly which will take place next June the 2nd. [...]