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Notícias da categoria: Assembleia

Assembleia Geral em Tampere

A Assembleia Geral da Associação terá lugar no próximo dia 26 de março em Tampere (Finlândia). Inscrições abertas. Estamos à vossa espera! [...]

Rennes acolhe a Assembleia Geral da Associação Internacional das Cidades Educadoras

Mais de 100 pessoas procedentes de 58 cidades participam nos 21 e 22 de março na Assembleia Geral. [...]

Congresso de Cidades Educadoras do México

A cidade de León-Guanajuato acolhe o Congresso Nacional da Rede Mexicana de Cidades Educadoras (REMCE) nos dias 4 e 5 de abril, sob o lema 'A Cidade Educadora, criando espaços para a paz'. [...]

Changwon invites you to the 2018 IAEC General Assembly

The next IAEC General Assembly will take place in Changwon (Korea) on 14-16 March 2018. [...]

The IAEC General Assembly concludes in Granollers

Delegates from 75 cities of 12 countries participated at the IAEC General Assembly which took place in Granollers (Spain) on March 23-24. [...]

Today start the IAEC General Assembly activities’

Coinciding with the General Assembly, all along the 23 and 24 March Granollers has organized a programme of visits to innovative good practices of the city and a set of conferences and dialogues with representatives of local governments and associations and scholars. [...]

Granollers invites you to the 2017 IAEC General Assembly

Granollers will be hosting the IAEC General Assembly Meeting on 24 March 2017. [...]

Call to the IAEC General Assembly in Rosario

On the occasion of the 14th IAEC Congress to be held in Rosario (Argentina) from 1-4 June, all member cities have been called to participate on an Ordinary General Assembly which will take place next June the 2nd. [...]

Lisbon hosted the IAEC General Assembly

Around 120 delegates of 55 member cities participated at the IAEC General Assembly which took place at the Auditorium of the Fundação Montepio of Lisbon last March 11. [...]