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Job Offer 1/2018: Officer

The IAEC seeks an officer to join the IAEC Secretariat team in order to provide support and contribute to meet the objectives of the Association’s Action Plan. [...]

Fourth Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation

The deadline for submission of candidatures to the Guangzhou Award is 31st August. [...]

Changwon invites you to the 2018 IAEC General Assembly

The next IAEC General Assembly will take place in Changwon (Korea) on 14-16 March 2018. [...]

International Day of the Educating City 2017

Today, November 30th we celebrate the International Day of the Educating City putting the focus, this year, on the Right to an Educating City. [...]

Interview with the Mayor of Paredes, Mr Celso Ferreira

Interviewed by the Association, the Mayor explains how educational performance has improved a lot during the last decade. [...]

Summer vacation

The IAEC Secretariat office will remain closed from August 6th until the 21th (both included). [...]

The IAEC at the thematic meeting Habitat III on public space

The IAEC General Secretary, Ms. Marina Canals, defended the educating vector of the local policies on the definition of public spaces on the panel “Agoras: democratization of the culture and education” of the thematic meeting Habitat III on public space which has been held in Barcelona April 4-5. [...]

7th IAEC Asia-Pacific Network Meeting Videos

You can watch already the videos in Korean and English of the plenary sessions of the 7th IAEC Asia-Pacific Meeting which took place in Gumi (Republic of Korea) last November 3 and 4. The Final report of the Meeting is already available. [...]

25th Anniversary of the Charter of Educating Cities

The Charter of Educating Cities was adopted November 30th 1990 at the closing ceremony of the First International Congress of Educating Cities, held in Barcelona. [...]