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Notícias da categoria: Publicações

Os Governos Locais e a localização dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

A Associação Internacional de Cidades Educadoras (AICE) colaborou  com Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos (CGLU) na redação do Terceiro Relatório sobre Os Governos Locais e a localização dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). [...]

Boletim 3 da Rede Mexicana das Cidades Educadoras

Já podem consultar o boletim junho-agosto 2019 da Rede Mexicana, dedicado ao atraso educativo e com boas práticas de Granollers, Rosario e Viladecans. [...]

Boletim 37 RTPCE

Consulte o boletim 37 da Rede Territorial Portuguesa das Cidades Educadoras. [...]

Interview with Mr. Juan Espadas, Mayor of Seville

Check out the interview with the Mayor of Seville posted in the IAEC Bulletin 27! [...]

Focus Experience 30

The Neighbourhood Guardian Program of Cascais (Portugal) was created in 2009 in order to encourage citizens to participate voluntarily in the improvement of the quality of life in their neighbourhoods. [...]

Report on Activities 2017

The IAEC Report on Activities 2017 is now available. [...]

Focus Experience 29

The House of Urban Cultures of Dakar, in Senegal, was created to promote a new framework of expression and training for young people waiting to devote themselves professionally to different urban cultures, such as hip-hop, disk-jockeying, graffiti, dance, urban poetry, etc. [...]

Interview with Mayor of Suseong-Gu, Mr. Jin Hoon Lee

Interviewed by the Association, the Mayor of Suseong-gu, Mr. Jin Hoon Lee describes the learning policies in the city and other initiatives put in place to foster a culture of leisure and social harmony. [...]

Focus Experience #28

The Israel-Palestine Project: for improved understanding was created in order to make secondary students in Brussels (16-18 years old) aware of the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and thus build greater social harmony in the city. [...]