A Associação Internacional de Cidades Educadoras (AICE) colaborou com Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos (CGLU) na redação do Terceiro Relatório sobre Os Governos Locais e a localização dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). [...]
Já podem consultar o boletim junho-agosto 2019 da Rede Mexicana, dedicado ao atraso educativo e com boas práticas de Granollers, Rosario e Viladecans. [...]
Consulte o boletim 37 da Rede Territorial Portuguesa das Cidades Educadoras. [...]
Check out the interview with the Mayor of Seville posted in the IAEC Bulletin 27! [...]
The Neighbourhood Guardian Program of Cascais (Portugal) was created in 2009 in order to encourage citizens to participate voluntarily in the improvement of the quality of life in their neighbourhoods. [...]
The IAEC Report on Activities 2017 is now available. [...]
The House of Urban Cultures of Dakar, in Senegal, was created to promote a new framework of expression and training for young people waiting to devote themselves professionally to different urban cultures, such as hip-hop, disk-jockeying, graffiti, dance, urban poetry, etc. [...]
Interviewed by the Association, the Mayor of Suseong-gu, Mr. Jin Hoon Lee describes the learning policies in the city and other initiatives put in place to foster a culture of leisure and social harmony. [...]
The Israel-Palestine Project: for improved understanding was created in order to make secondary students in Brussels (16-18 years old) aware of the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and thus build greater social harmony in the city. [...]