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Notícias da categoria: Redes

Meeting of the Brazilian Network of Educating Cities

The Brazilian Network of Educating Cities (REBRACE) met on August 9th in Santo André with the participation of 11 cities. [...]

The Argentinean member cities met in Buenos Aires

A new meeting of the Argentinean Network of Educating Cities took place last June 30th on Buenos Aires. [...]

Suseong will host the 8th IAEC Asia-Pacific Network Meeting on September

The 8th IAEC Asia-Pacific Network Regional Meeting will take place in Suseong-gu, Daegu (Republic of Korea) on September 14-15 and will focus on the theme “The Role of Educating Cities fostering Global Citizenship Education”. [...]

7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network

More than 400 representatives of local governments participated at the National Congress of the Portuguese Network which took place in Guarda on May 25-27 and which focused on the theme of Identities. [...]

Follow the 7th Portuguese National Congress Live

The city of Guarda is hosting from May 25 to 27 the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network. You can follow the development of the Congress here. [...]

Dialogues for the construction of Rio Cuarto Educating City

The city of Río Cuarto (Argentina) hosted on May 4-5 a dialogue day on the construction of Río Cuarto as an Educating City with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and compliance with the principles of the Charter of Educating Cities in the Argentine city. [...]

Guarda – venue of the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network

Next 25-27 May 2016, Guarda will host the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network which will focus on Identity. [...]

The Argentinean member cities agree the creation of a new Argentinean Territorial Network

The Library Manuel Belgrano of Godoy Cruz (Province of Mendoza) host las December 14 2016 the 2nd Meeting of Educating Argentine Cities. [...]

2nd Meeting of Argentinean Educating Cities

The Library Manuel Belgrano of Godoy Cruz (Province of Mendoza) hosts today the 2nd Meeting of Educating Argentine Cities. [...]