7th International Congress of Educating Cities

Tampere 2002

The Future of Education. The Role of the City in the Globalised World

TampereThe 7th International Congress of Educating Cities “The Future of Education. The Role of the City in the Globalised World” took place in Tampere (Finland) in June 16-19 2002.

Representatives from 145 cities of 35 countries attended to the Congress. The thematic axes which oriented the plenary sessions and the workshops of the congress were:

  • The role of the city in creating and maintaining educational systems.
  • Modern learning environments: local and Global networks.
  • Values, ethical and ethnic aspect in education.
  • Equality, inequality and marginalisation.
  • Education and work.

Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora

Prémio Cidades Educadoras