Deadline of submission of bid to the Educating Cities’ Award Bids
We remind those member cities interested in submitting a bid to the Educating Cities’ Award on Good Practices on Living Together in the Cities that can do it until February 29th 2016.
Educating cities carry out a big deal of actions that contribute to a better living together. If your city can demonstrate a positive impact in the following action domains, do not hesitate to submit your candidacy. Every member city will be able to present a maximum of 2 experiences per call together with an endorsement letter of the Mayor of the city. In this first edition three innovative experiences from three different cities will be awarded.
Good practices on Living Together, possible domains of action:
- Interconnection versus segregation of neighbourhoods
- Design and promotion of public spaces and meeting opportunities
- Collective use of public space, shared rules to promote safety and a better living together.
- Promotion of social ties and the sense of belonging to the city. Cross-generacional, intercultural and interfaith dialogue.
- Community mediation and conflict resolution.
- Proactive actions to foster social inclusion of vulnerable groups.
- Awareness raising campaigns to break down discriminatory stereotypes.
- Memory and Peace building.
The Award will be announced at the 14th International Congress that will be held from 1st to 4th June in Rosario, Argentina ( The three awarded cities will be invited to present their respective experiences in a Congress plenary session. Furthermore, a wide dissemination will be made in different publications and communication channels of the IAEC in recognition of the work carried out. With this initiative, the Association aims to inspire the work of other cities and to promote exchanges.
Proposals will be assessed by an international Jury made up of members of the IAEC Executive Committee, a representative from United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and two academic experts.
Here attached you can find the conditions and the candidacy form of the Award for your assessment.
Make sure you share this information with colleagues from the concerned departments.
Attention: A number of cities have presented its bid using the 14th IAEC Congress by mistake. Please be aware that only bids received at the Secretariat ( which comply the specified conditions (among others to be up-to-date with the payment of the fees, to include the Mayors’ endorsement letter of the Mayor, submit the bid form in 2 of the IAEC official languages, etc.).
For any additional information do not hesitate to contact us.
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