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Guarda – venue of the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network

Next 25-27 May 2016, Guarda will host the 7th National Congress of the Portuguese Network which will focus on Identity.

In order to contribute to the conceptual analysis and debate on the constitutive elements of identity, the thematic axis which will guide the sessions of the 7th Congress are:

  • Citizenship
  • Urban spaces
  • The role of Culture and Identity of cities

The host city has prepared an agenda with keynote lectures by Portuguese and International speakers, good practices’ presentations, political roundtables and study visits to experiences of the city.

You could fill in your own registration here.

With more than 60 member cities, the Portuguese Network is one of the more active and consolidated IAEC territorial networks.

For further information please visit the 7th Congress Portal or the Portuguese Network website (

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Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora

Prémio Cidades Educadoras

Experiência Destacada