International Museum Day
The Association joins the celebration of the International Museum Day, 18 May, sharing with you some initiatives of the member cities.
Principle 5 of the Charter of Educating Cities affirms that “municipalities shall undertake to exercise their powers effectively in matters of education. No matter what the scope of these powers may be, they shall put forward a broad and integrated education policy, in order to include all the modalities of formal, non-formal and informal education and the different cultural manifestations, sources of information and paths of discovery of the reality of the city.”
Being social learning spaces for knowledge for citizenship, Museums are a key element on the learning strategy of Local Governments.
Here below, we offer you good practices of transformation of cemeteries into open spaces of memory, projects of recovery of public space through monumental muralism, initiatives of recovery of intangible memory of a neighborhood.
Sao Paulo – Memory & Life
Godoy Cruz – Outdoor Museum
Tarragona – El Serrallo, a fairy-tale place: fishermen’s stories
Further Information:
International Museum Day
Agenda 21 for Culture
International Council of Museums
European Union Policy on Culture
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