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First meeting of the thematic network: ‘City of Values, Educating City’

The first meeting of the network 'City of Values, Educating City' of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities takes place in Bilbao on 24-25 May. The thematic network is composed by 25 cities from 10 regions. [...]

Awareness-raising session in Esquel

On 16 and 17th May, the city of Esquel hosted an awareness-raising event organised by the IAEC Delegation for Latin America and aimed at community organisations and city council officials. [...]

Deadline extension for the submission of experiences to the 15th IAEC Congress

The deadline for submitting experiences to the Congress 'The city belongs to its people', which will take place on November 2018 in Cascais (Portugal) has been extended to 21 May. [...]

23 April, World Book Day

Reading improves the language abilities of people and the role of schools and cities can be important in forming readers and awakening a taste for reading. [...]

Candidatures received for the Educating Cities’ 2018 Award

After the closing date for claims and corrections, 49 member cities have presented 62 candidatures to the Educating Cities’ Award on Good Practices on Civic Education through Participation. [...]

Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Spanish Network in Sevilla

Sevilla hosted the first meeting as a coordinating city of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities (RECE) on Friday 13th April.


7th Brasilian Meeting of Educating Cities in Vitória

Over 110 representatives from 22 cities attended the 7th Brasilian Meeting of Educating Cities which took place on 3-6 April. [...]

Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Argentinian Network

Godoy Cruz -Coordinator of the Argentinian Network of Educating Cities (RACE)- and the cities of Río Cuarto, Rosario and San Justo, members of the Monitoring Committee of the RACE, met in Rosario on April the 6th. [...]

Deadline extension: submission of candidatures for the participation of young people at the IAEC 15th International Congress

Named 2018 European Youth Capital, the city of Cascais invites young people from member cities of the Association to actively participate in the 15th International Congress of the Association, which will take place from 13 to 16 November, 2018. Deadline of submission of candidatures: 20 April 2018. [...]