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Call for candidacies to organize the 16th International Congress

The IAEC member cities are invited to present their candidacy to opt for the organization of the 16th International Congress of Educating Cities, to be held in 2020. [...]

Meeting of the Mexican Network of Educating Cities

The Mexican Network of Educating Cities met on January 22nd in Mexico City, with the participation of 7 cities: Mexico City (CDMX), Colima, León, Morelia, Playa del Carmen, Tenango del Valle and Zacatecas.

Changwon invites you to the 2018 IAEC General Assembly

The next IAEC General Assembly will take place in Changwon (Korea) on 14-16 March 2018. [...]

Interview with Mayor of Suseong-Gu, Mr. Jin Hoon Lee

Interviewed by the Association, the Mayor of Suseong-gu, Mr. Jin Hoon Lee describes the learning policies in the city and other initiatives put in place to foster a culture of leisure and social harmony. [...]

Second edition of the International Day of the Educating City

The second edition of the International Day of the Educating City took place on 30 November 2017 and included the participation of 110 cities from 9 countries and 4 continents. [...]

International Day of the Educating City 2017

Today, November 30th we celebrate the International Day of the Educating City putting the focus, this year, on the Right to an Educating City. [...]

III Meeting of Argentinian Educating Cities

Within the framework of the III Meeting held in Río Cuarto on November 16th and 17th, the Argentinian Network of Educating Cities (RACE) has been formally established. [...]

Workshop “Challenges and Opportunities in the Construction of an Educating City”

Last 3 November, the City Council of Avilés hosted a meeting in which several cities of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities reflected on the “Challenges and Opportunities in the Construction of an Educating City”. [...]