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World Environmental Education Day

The International Association of Educating Cities wants to celebrate the World Environmental Education Day, January 26, sharing with you some publications and initiatives of the member cities. [...]

The Association presented the Workshop Educating City and Local Governance in Binissalem

A new session of the Training Seminar Educating City and Local Governance took place last January 24-25 in Binissalem (Spain). [...]

Focus Experience #25

The current edition of Focus Experience introduces the Rivers Project, an initiative of promotion of citizen participation in the conservation and improvement of environment of Braga (Portugal). [...]

The Argentinean member cities agree the creation of a new Argentinean Territorial Network

The Library Manuel Belgrano of Godoy Cruz (Province of Mendoza) host las December 14 2016 the 2nd Meeting of Educating Argentine Cities. [...]

2nd Meeting of Argentinean Educating Cities

The Library Manuel Belgrano of Godoy Cruz (Province of Mendoza) hosts today the 2nd Meeting of Educating Argentine Cities. [...]

Meeting of cities of the Valencia Region

Representatives of 20 member cities of the Eastern Spain met last December 1 in Valencia to discuss, exchange experiences and build municipal policies together. [...]

Korean member cities visited the IAEC Awarded good practice of the Gamcheon Culture Village

The Korean member cities visited the Gamcheon Culture Village (Saha-gu, Republic of Korea), one of the awarded good practices of the Educating Cities’ Award, last November 30th on occasion of the International Day of the Educating City (30/11), [...]

Rennes venue of an International Meeting of Educating Cities

On November 28-29, Rennes (France) hosted an international meeting of Educating Cities within the framework of the common programme of the International Day of the Educating City. [...]

Girona hosts the exhibition Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values

The IAEC exhibition of the AICE was presented at the House of Culture of Girona (Spain) on 28 November 2016 in the framework of the Week of the Educating City of Girona which lasted until 2 December. [...]