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Seville approaches relationship between Educating Cities and Local Governance

A new session of the Training Seminar Educating City and Local Governance took place yesterday in Seville. [...]

Lleida debates on Educating Cities and Local Governance

A new session of the Training Seminar Educating City and Local Governance took place yesterday in the lecture hall Jaume Magre of the Education Local Institute of Lleida, coordinating city of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities. [...]

Asia-Pacific Network Technical Meeting 2016

Representatives of 18 Korean member cities met last September 9th in Changwon (Republic of Korea) in occasion of a new technical meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network. [...]

International Youth Day

The Association joins the celebration of the International Youth Day, 12 August, sharing with you some initiatives of the member cities and some publication focused on youth. [...]

International Day of the Educating City

The IAEC General Assembly agreed to declare November 30th as International Day of the Educating City. We invite you to save the date in your agendas and to prepare a program of events in your cities. [...]

14th IAEC Congress Video already online

You can watch online the official video of the 14th International Congress of Educating Cities which took place in Rosario (Argentina) last June 1-4 2016. [...]

World Refugee Day

In occasion of the World Refugee Day, 20 june, we would like to remind that the Charter of Educating Cities explicitly mentions the concern for the newly arrived, immigrants and refugees. [...]

Educating Cities’ Award Special Bulletin

The issue number 25 of the IAEC's Information Bulletin is now available. This is a special Edition aiming at disseminating the awarded good practices of the Educating Cities’ Award. [...]

Educating Cities : how do they do it ?

During the latest 14th IAEC Congress we presented a new video of dissemination of the Concept of Educating Cities. Have a look at the video here! [...]