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The IAEC Latin American exhibition visits Totoras (Argentina)

The IAEC Latin American exhibition “The principles in Action” was presented last April 13th in the Cultural centre La Esquina of Totoras (Argentina). [...]

The 14th IAEC Congress will take place in Rosario on 2, 3 and 4 of June 2016

The City of Rosario is getting ready to host the 14th International Congress of Educating Cities on 2, 3 and 4 of June 2016, under the theme “The territories of coexistence in cities”. [...]

Opening of a Roman archaeological museum in the IAEC headquarters

We would like to celebrate the opening of an exhibition showing the archaeological remains of a Roman house of the 1st century AD located in the subsoil of the IAEC headquarters building by sharing with you some initiatives of member cities on historic heritage. [...]

Focus Experience #20

The Educating Cities International Documents Databank presents the 20th edition of the Focus experience section. [...]

IAEC General Assembly in Turin

Representatives of 25 member cities participated last March 13th at the IAEC Ordinary General Assembly which took place in the Turin City Hall. [...]

National Meeting of the Portuguese Network

Representatives of 23 member cities participated on a new Meeting of the Portuguese Network which took place in Miranda do Corvo last March the 6th. [...]

Report on Activities 2014

The IAEC Report on Activities 2014 is already available. [...]

Call to the IAEC General Assembly in Turin

All IAEC member cities have officially been called to the Ordinary General Assembly meeting that will be held next March 13th in Turin (Italy) –Palazzo di Città, piazza Palazzo di Città 1- at 02:45 PM first call and at 03:00 PM second call. [...]

Information Bulletin 20

The issue number 20 of the IAEC's Information Bulletin is now available. [...]