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French Network General Assembly

The city of Paris hosted last July 4 and 5 a General Assembly of the French Network. [...]

Meeting of the Portuguese Network

Next July 7 a new Meeting of the Portuguese Network will take place at the Cineteatro Camacho Costa of Odemira (Portugal). The Meeting will be opened by the President of the City Council, Mr José Alberto Candeias Guerreiro. [...]

Welcome to the new IAEC Portal!

After a long year of work, we are happy to launch a new internet site which is more attractive, intuitive and easily updatable. [...]

French Network General Assembly

The city of Paris will held next July 4 and 5 a General Assembly of the French Network. [...]

End of the period submission of experiences to the 13th IAEC Congress

We inform you that the period of Submission of Experiences to the 13th IAEC Congress "An Educating City is an Inclusive City", which will take place in Barcelona next November 13-16 2014, has already ended. [...]

Focus Experience #18

The Educating Cities International Documents Databank presents the 18th edition of the Focus experience section. [...]

Extension of the submission of experiences and the application period to the allowances programme to registration of the 13th IAEC International Congress

100 cities have already submitted more than 500 experiences to the 13th IAEC Congress "An Educating City is an Inclusive City" which will take place in Barcelon next November 13-16 2014. [...]

The IAEC Travelling Exhibition visits Avilés

The Mayor of Avilés, Ms Pilar Varela, and the IAEC General Secretary, Ms Marina Canals, opened yesterday in Avilés, the IAEC travelling exhibition Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values. [...]

Rosario will hold the 14th International Congress of Educating Cities

The city of Barcelona will host the 14th International Congress of Educating Cities in 2016. The IAEC Executive Committee elected Rosario at the last meeting held on March15th. [...]