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Focus Experience 12

The Educating Cities International Documents Databank presents the 12th edition of the "Focus experience" section. [...]

City to City Barcelona FAD Award 2013

The period for submission of bids for the City to City Barcelona FAD Award 2013 is already open. [...]

Information Bulletin 15

The issue number 15 of the IAEC's Information Bulletin is now available. [...]

Lisbon has held various IAEC activities

Lisbon (Portugal) has held since January 22nd to 24th the opening of the travelling exhibition "Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values", the Training Seminar "Educating City and Local Governance" and a Meeting of the Argentinean Educating Cities. [...]

The IAEC Travelling Exhibition visits Portugal

The Lisbon City Councilor for Civil Defense, Education and Sport, Mr. Manuel Brito, and the IAEC General Secretary, Ms Marina Canals, opened the Travelling Exhibition "Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values" at the Torreao Nascente of Lisbon last January 22nd. [...]