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Boletim 54


Job Offer 1/2018: Officer

The IAEC seeks an officer to join the IAEC Secretariat team in order to provide support and contribute to meet the objectives of the Association’s Action Plan.

25-06-2018    Out of Category

Candidates fulfilling the requirements can send their CV accompanied by a motivation  letter (mandatory) to: indicating in the subject section “Officer Position 1/2018”. The selection will take into account the candidates education and work experience, which will have be accredited at the end of the selection process, as a step prior to effective hiring.

The deadline for submission of applications ends on July 12.

For additional information, see job offer in pdf.

Pesquisa de Notícias

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Notícias recentes

Boletim 54


Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora

Prémio Cidades Educadoras

Experiência Destacada