The IAEC Latin-American Exhibition “The principles in Action” was opened in the City Council of Godoy Cruz (Argentina) last September 11th. [...]
In the last few weeks Europe and the Mediterranean region are living one of the biggest and fastest migrations in history. This situation is bringing hustle and bustle in the lives of many people and cities. [...]
The Museum of the City of Pergamino (Argentina) is the venue of IAEC Latin American Exhibition until September 5th 2015. Last August 24, the exhibition was opened in a ceremony presided by the Mayor of Pergamino, Mr. Omar Pacini. [...]
The IAEC Northern European member cities met in the City Council of Helsinki (Finland) last September 22. [...]
"Atividades físicas e movimento como apoio à aprendizagem"
“Inovação, Inclusão e Sustentabilidade”