Regional meeting – South Córdoba Educating Cities (Argentina)
The Regional Meeting of Educating Cities from South Córdoba took place in the city of Río Cuarto on August the 3rd.
The objective of the event was to gain deeper knowledge on the concept of Educating City and to encourage compliance with the principles of the Charter. In addition, it sought to strengthen the institutional capacities and the governance of the cities by developing its educating potential through cross-cutting policies and by constructing collaborative projects between local government and civil society.
The event was opened by the provincial legislator, Mr. Carlos Gutiérrez; Mr. Juan Manuel Llamosas, Mayor of Río Cuarto; Mr. Silvio Rasmusen, political delegate of Río Cuarto Educating City and deputy coordinator of the Argentinian network and Ms. Laura Alfonso, Director for the IAEC Delegation for Latin America.
A workshop was held with the delegates from the cities. Ms. Alfonso presented the International Association of Educating Cities and invited the audience to reflect on the educating role of cities. Afterwards, Ms. Mabel Rosales, Deputy Director for Educating Cities at the City Council of Gody Cruz and coordinator of the Argentinian network of educating cities (RACE) presented the RACE and the objectives it pursues.
To conclude, participants were invited to reflect on good practices, the principles of the Charter and the educating dimension that municipal policies can provide through a group dynamic.
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