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The 14th IAEC Congress is underway

The 14th IAEC Congress began yesterday at Rosario (Argentina) with an opening ceremony presided over by the mayor of Rosario, Ms. Monica Fein, the Governor of the Province of Santa Fe, Sr. Miguel Lifschiz, and the IAEC deputy Chairman, Mr. Miquel Angel Essomba.

02-06-2016    Congressos   Rosario 2016

The event began with a performance welcomed participants by members of municipal schools and Urban Dance Arts in which various elements of Argentina and rosarina culture evoked.

Later, the Secretary of Culture and Education Guillermo Rios presented the French philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky, who gave the first lecture of Congress, entitled “Educating Cities, creative cities: roads for better living together”.

Over 4 days, the Congress convenes leaders, officials, experts and referents of social organizations from around the world to exchange experiences and public policies related to coexistence.

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Dia Internacional da Cidade Educadora

Prémio Cidades Educadoras

Experiência Destacada