The IAEC Exhibition is presented in Lleida
The Mayor of Lleida, Mr. Ángel Ros, and the IAEC General Secretary, Ms Marina Canals, opened on May 31 the exhibition “Educating Cities: Local Actions, Global Values” at the City Council of Lleida (Spain).
At the start of the opening of the exhibition, the Mayor of Lleida, Mr. Ángel Ros, reiterated the role of local governments as agents involved in education together with schools and the families. Ros stated that municipalities have a high level of responsibility in the field of education. Concerning Lleida, he has recalled that the city participates in almost all areas of education, from kindergartens to adult education, artistic training, Dual Vocational training, university education, etc. In this sense, the Mayor has expressed he is very proud to work with education and has a community which participates in the processes of education. Besides, he expressed that Lleida is currently the coordinating city of the Spanish Network of Educating Cities.
For her part, the secretary of the International Association of Educating Cities, Ms. Marina Canals, stressed that the exhibition allows to make a tour of various educating initiatives from several member cities which improve the quality of life of their own citizens.
After a guided tour of the exhibition, the professor of the University of Vic, Mr. Jordi Collet, give a plenary speech on “Educating Cities and Villages: a bet from the local world”. Representatives of various cities of the province of Lleida assisted to the conference.
Along the 15 days the exhibition will remain at the Catalan city, it will offer visitors the possibility to become aware of the Educating role of the local government and know projects of 7 member cities which illustrate some principles of the Charter of Educating Cities.
The City of Lleida is coordinating the Spanish Network of Educating Cities during the period 2016-2018. Moreover, the city will host the 13th Meeting of the Spanish Network.
Further information on the IAEC Exhibition is available here.
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