Toluca hosted the Educating Cities of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Sea
More than 200 representatives of local governments and civil society and university experts participated in the Meeting of the Educating Cities of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Sea which took place at Toluca (Mexico) last April 23 and 24.
The opening of the Meeting was presided by the Secretary of Education of the Estado de Mexico, Mr Simón Iván Martínez as well as some Mayors of member cities such as the Mayor of Toluca, Mr. Braulio Álvarez Jasso, The Mayor of Guadalajara, Ramiro Hernández García, and the Mayor of Morelia, Mr. Salvador Abud Mirabent.
The thematic axes of the Meeting which focused on the conferences and the exchanges of experiences were:
- Local government promoter of education in civic values.
- Civil society committed to citizenship education.
- New forms of local governments’ management.
The Speakers of the Meeting were Mr. Joan Manel del Pozo (University of Girona – Spain), Mr. Rodolfo García del Castillo (Autonomous Metropolitan University – Mexico) and the Deputy Mayor of Toluca, Ms. Melisa Vargas.
The Host city organised a programme of study visits to several educating experiencies of the City Council.
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