O projeto foi criado com o objetivo de oferecer às raparigas, jovens e mulheres de León ferramentas que contribuam para a sua autonomia e lhes permitam apropriar-se do espaço público. A proposta visa também promover a utilização da bicicleta como meio de transporte limpo, eficaz e saudável. [...]
O programa procura criar espaços desportivos mistos inclusivos onde os estereótipos de género sejam questionados, combinando atividades desportivas lúdicas e dinâmicas com oficinas de reflexão filosófica. [...]
A “aldeia MAE”, gerida pelos próprios residentes, é uma comunidade que procura a autorrealização, a integração social e a autonomia para criar espaços de aprendizagem. [...]
Open-air gyms that combine sport and recreation, in order to encourage adults to get physical exercise in a relaxed way, fight physical inactivity and stimulate social harmony. [...]
The experience consists in holding a festival whose goal is to raise the profile of artistic/expressive projects at primary and secondary schools in the city during the school year. [...]
Torres Vedras fosters a healthy lifestyle, the knowledge of the city, and the use of public space through night runs across the city. [...]
The project is being put into practice in suburban disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Lisbon, with the objective of promoting social inclusion through sport regular activities for children and the young considered at risk. [...]
This is community and network project that uses sport as a tool for education and social integration of children and young people, rolled out jointly by various municipal departments and entities. The activities are carried out at the facilities of all the districts in the city. [...]
It is a race with the objective of raising awareness among the population about sexually transmitted disease HIV/aids, through a massive initiative of games with educational and preventative messages, involving performers and the local media. [...]
The city of Praia, in need of recreational alternatives for young people, uses sport as a tool to fight social problems such as for example, urban violence. [...]