World Health Day
The International Association of Educating Cities joins the celebration of the World Health Day, April 7th, sharing with you some initiatives of the member cities of promotion of healthy lifestyle.
Local government have a relevant role so as to give answers to the challenge of “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages” stressed by the Sustainable Development Goal – SDG 3 of United Nations.
Here attached you will find a selection of good practices from member cities that deal with the issue though various approaches such as the personal development of patients of healthcare centres, interaction between students and people with mental health diseases, the policies of prevention of drug addiction, the promotion of healthy eating habits, etc.
Sant Boi de Llobregat – Relating Life
Andong – The Happy Learning Centre at Andong Hospital
Montevideo – “Uruguayan Cooking” Food Education Programme
Lisbon – Intervention programme
You can consult more good practices here.
Art. 11 Charter of Educating Cities
“The city must guarantee the quality of life for all its inhabitants. This requires creating a balance with its natural surroundings, providing the right to a healthy environment, as well as the right to housing, employment, leisure and public transportation, amongst others. At the same time, the city shall actively promote health education and the participation of all its inhabitants in the best practices of sustainable development.”
Other resources:
World Health Day
World Health Organization
Sustainable Development Goal 3
General Direction of Health and Food Security of the European Commission.
Policy of UNESCO as regard education for health and well-being
Declaration of Zagreb of Healthy Cities
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